1,易动感情的:CABDC 2,宽宏大量:DDACC3,People :CBBDB4,Henry:BADDC5,探讨它的矛盾:ABCDA6,手术:DCDDB7,扑:BBCDB8,迷:CADCB9,表面:CABDC10,摧毁:DBCDA11,出口:BBACB12,宴会:ABDAB13,责怪:CBCBD14,尊敬:BCBDD15,咬:DBDCB16.家庭教师:CDABB17.关心:ACBDC18.Henry(敢):ADCBC19.加纳.:CBDAC20.降落伞:ABDCC21.友谊地久天长:DCADC22.闪电:CDBDC23.饭店:BACDC24.分支:BDCBD25.解散:BCDAC26.A factory:ADCDB27.人体骨骼:DBABB英翻中1.Do not cough or sneeze in anyone’s direction. Use a handkerchiefif possible, and then say “Excuse me”



    2.Scientists were warning the world aboutthis 60 years ago. If people had acted quickly back then, they would havestopped today’s disasters.科学家大约在60年前向世界发出了警告。


    3.Chinese cookery has developed and maturedover the centuries, forming a rich cultural content.中国烹饪得以发展和成熟,形成了丰富的文化内涵。

    4.It means thatthe process of the earth getting gradually warmer, leading to climate change,cannot now be stopped, whatever we do.它意味着地球将会变得越来越暖,无论我们做什么也无法阻止气候的变化55..The factory that makes automobiles uses anassembly line. The advantages of an assembly line are firstly speed and secondly the cost of the product.制造汽车的工厂使用装配线。


    6,Leave the photocopier in working condition and be sure to take backthat borrowed stapler with at least a few staples left inside.使复印机处于工作状态,确保你带回之前借得的订书机时,其中留下至少几颗订书钉。

    7.Be prepared yourself and make sure that allthe participants in the meeting have relevant background information and materials做好准备,确保所有参加会议的人与会者都有相关的背景信息和材料8.Imagine doing the same task for eight hours a day,five days a week. That’s the typical life of an assembly line worker.想象一下,每天8小时,每周5天,做同样的任务。


    9.Many people don’t like formal meetingsbecause they find them a boring waste of time.很多人不喜欢正式的会议,因为他们觉得他们很无聊。

    10.Dim sum is a wide variety of dishes, usually more thantwenty and you can choose from the trolley when it passes and you pay for whatyou eat点心品种多样,通常有二十多种,手推车推来时,你可以从中选用,吃了哪一种就付哪一种的价格。

    11.It is characterized by the fine selectionof ingredients, precise cooking, particular care to the amount of spice, andhow nourishing it is它的特点是精心挑选烹饪材料,细蒸慢煮,特别注意香料的用量以及滋补的程度。

    12.It is also a good idea to dispose of emptyfood containers and other items where they won’t contribute negatively to theoffice atmosphere.把空的食物容器和其他他们不能消极的增进办公室空气的东西处理掉也是一个好主意。

    13.You should arrive early, not just on the first day andyou should not be the first to leave at the end of the day.你应该早到,而不只第一天,而且你不应该是第一天结束中第一个离开的人14.Roastedand barbecued meats are very popular at restaurants and butcher’s shops,because most private Chinese kitchens do not have ovens烤肉和烤肉在餐馆和肉店很受欢迎。

    因为大多数中国私人厨房没有烤箱15.And then there is nuclear power, the safe, cheapnuclear technology that EU members first began developing 80 years ago.还有核能,安全,廉价的核技术,欧盟成员国80年前第一个开始发展16.The culinary map of China can be dividedinto four main regions, based loosely on geographical area.中国的烹饪地图可以分为四个主要区域,大致按地理区域划分17.Although the two companies, Volvo andGeely Automobiles manufactured almost the same number of vehicles last year,Geely only had a turnover of $2.4 billion, whereas Volvo’s turnover was $12.4billion.尽管这两家公司去年几乎产生了同样数量的汽车,但是吉利的营业额只有24亿美元,而沃尔沃的营业额有124亿美元。

    18.Arranging meetings at inconvenient times — outsideworking hours, for example — can have a negative effect because participantsmay feel resentful and exploited.举举行会议的时间也相当重要,在不方便的时间安排会议,例如非工作时间,会产生消极影响,因为参与者会感到厌恶和被利用了。

    19.Running an effective meeting or being agood participant in a meeting is all about showing respect for others, fortheir ideas, expertise and advice.运营一个高效的会议,或者在会议中成为一个好的参与者,都需要我们去尊重他人,尊重他人的观点,专业知识及建议。

    20.That was not a good start to what,hopefully, will be a successful business meeting这是一个很好的开端,希望这将会是一个很好的商务会议。

    21.By 1933 Volvo had manufactured 10,000 vehicles.However the car was still not available to most people as it was veryexpensive.在1933年沃尔沃已经制造了一万辆汽车。


    22.With an hourly pay rate, employees know they cannotearn any more no matter how hard they work so they may be less likely to pushthemselves按小时付费,雇员们知道无论他们多么努力都不能赚的更多所以他们可能会很少去催促自己。

    23.According to Henry Ford who installed thefirst assembly line in 1908 in his Ford Motor Company in Michigan, it is estimatedthat manufactured goods like automobiles and aircrafts can be produced in amuch shorter time using this system自1913年亨利.福特在密歇根州的福特汽车公司安装了第一条装配线,人们预期制造业产品,如汽车和飞机,可以用这个系统在更短的时间里进行生产。

    24.Even if robots do not replace the workers, the efficiencyof assembly lines means that one worker can do the work of many, which may leadto an overall loss of jobs in production industries即使机器人没有取代工人,装配线的效率也意味着一个工人可以做许多人的工作,而这又等同于失业。

    25.Ford did not reach the profits it had promised itself, so, only 11 years later, it sold its interest in Volvo cars to the Chinese motor manufacturer, Geely Automobile, for $1.8 billion.福特公司并没有因此而获得预期的利润,仅11年后,便以18亿美元的价格将其手中的沃尔沃汽车公司的股份卖给了中国的汽车制造商_吉利汽车公司。

    26.Geely had the money and was willing toinvest it in Volvo and was sure that once Volvo entered the Chinese market itwould soon make a profit吉利有了这笔钱,愿意在沃尔沃和瓦投资并且确信Volvo一旦进入中国市场就可以没事获得利润。

    27.If participantsleave the meeting and no one is responsible for taking action on the decisionsmade, then the meeting will have been a complete waste of everyone's time如果参与者离开会议,且无人负责对作出的决定采取行动,那会议将浪费每一个人的时间。

    28.Many low-lying islands like the Maldives in the IndianOcean have disappeared, and soon great coastal cities from Shanghai to New Yorkwill drown as well.许多在印度洋地势较低的海盗如马尔代夫会消失不见,要不了多久一些海洋城市也会消失29.中翻英1.男主席、女主席或者会长,通常都是安排会议并主持会议的人。

    (chairman, chairwoman, chairperson, arrange, run)A chairman or chairwoman or chairperson,who is usually the person who arranged the meeting,runs these meetings.2.中国美食有着悠久的历史,是中国文化瑰宝之一。

    (cuisine, history, one of , culturaltreasures)Chinese cuisine has a long history,and is one of the Chinese cultural treasures.3.收购背后的原因是什么?

    (takeover)What are the reasons behind the takeover4.有任何明显的困难么?

    (obvious)Are there any obvious difficulties5.1977年4月14日沃尔沃公司举行了50周年庆。

    (Volvo, celebrate, anniversary)Volvo celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 14,1997.6.它意味着地球将会变得越来越暖,无论我们做什么也无法阻止气候的变化。

    (means, the process of the earth,gradually, lead to , climate change, whatever)It means that the process of the earth getting gradually warmer,leading to climate change,cannot now be stopped,whatever we do.7.除了紧急情况,在所谓的“核心周”


    (apart from, emergency, arrange, so-called,core week)Apart from emergencies during the so_called “core week“,i.e. on Tuesday,Wednedsdays or Thursdays.8.当你开始做第一份工作时,你该如何表现?(behave)How should you behave when you start your first job?9.由于许多中国移民来自广东,大多数西方人认为粤菜才是中国美食的代表。(Cantonese cooking, represent, the sumtotal, Chinese cuisine)10.吉利公司重整计划有三个步骤。(lines of action, Geely, turnaround)There are three lines of action for Geely's turnaround plan.11.如果没有这些明智的领导者,我们的世界可能已经陷入混乱之中.(fall into, chaos, wise leader)Our world would have fallen into chaos if those wise leaders had not been there.12.在亚洲,龙卷风同样横扫中国至印度。(Asia, cyclone, from…to…, India)In Asia, cyclones are doing the same form China to India13.不要抱怨你的老板,办公室伙伴和同事。(complain, office mate, co-worker)Do not complaim about your boss,your office mate or any co-worker.14.在同事面前嚼口香糖和吹泡泡既不潇洒也不庄重。(chew, pop, bubble gum, neither…nor,dignified Chewing gum and popping bubble gum in fornt of co-worker is neither cool nor dignified15.16世纪时,西班牙商人将红辣椒引入该地区。(century, Spanish trader, chilli peppers, region)16IIn the 16th century,Spanish traders introduced chilli peppers to the region.17.当你使用完打印机里的纸张时,为下面的使用者放入更多的纸张。(use up, printer, more,the next person)When you use up paper in the pfinter put more in it for the next person.18.如果员工提高他的工作速度,他可以在一个小时内完成更多的产品。(employee, increase, speed, units of work)If the employee increases his work speed,he can complete more units of work in an hour.19.降低成本同时保持标准不会容易。(costs, standards)It is not easy to reduce costs while maintaining standards20.如果他的产量低,以计件工资的方式,你每小时只需支付他较少的钱。(end up, pay, per hour, piece rate)If his output is low, you can only pay him less money per hour by piece rate.21.飓风迫使人们远离中美洲和美国的东南海岸。Hurricanes force people to stay away from the southeast coast of Central America and the United States22.粥起源于福建省的东南地区。(congee, originate)Porridge originated in the southeastern part of Fujian province 23职工会议是保持良好沟通的至关重要的方式.(Staff, vital, maintaining, communication)Staff meeting are vital ways of maintaining good communication .24写一份议程,并至少在会议两天前分发下去。(agenda, distribute, at least)Write an agenda and distribute it at least two days before the meeting.25马克过去在一家生产汽车的工厂工作。(used to , automobile)26.第一遍就将工作做好总比需要再做一遍强。(it’s better to, first time)It is better to do something right the first time than have to do it again.27.在过去,厨师开发出一种有别于其他中国菜风格的菜系,主要是受到沿中国著名“丝绸之路”旅行的外国人影响。(past, cooks, cuisine, distinct from, cooking style,influenced, foreigner, silk route)In the past, cooks developed a cuisine distinct from other Chinese cooking styles,being mainly influenced by the foreigners travelling along China's famous “Silk Route“.28大部分的工作必须站着完成,使人感到疲累。(be done, tiringMost of the work must be done by standing and tired. 29装配线的优点第一是速度,第二是产品的成本。(advantages, assembly line, firstly, cost)The advantages of an assembly line are firstly speed and secondly the cost of the product.30多数会议组都会有至少一个人在会议期间离题或是开始讲故事。(groups, at least,go off,starts,during )Most groups have at least one person who goes off the point or starts to tell stories during meetings.

